Learn the incredible skill to...

🗝️ Unlock your imagination
and unleash your inner artist using 

Photography & Photoshop

Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography
Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography
Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography
Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography

Do you love fantasy or fairytales and secretly wish you could step into a book, dabble with magic or discover your superpowers?

Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography

Well Photoshop can make your dreams come true!

Learning Photoshop compositing cracks open your imagination and gives you the magical power to transform your everyday photos into breathtaking storytelling images (while you live out your inner child's fantasies and justify it as 'art'! 💃)

But either you’ve assumed Photoshop is too complicated OR spent hours trying to make your own composites only to end up with messy, unconvincing attempts that weren’t impressing anyone. 😣

And honestly?

Creating your own composites is like trying to put together a jigsaw with no picture. You might have a vague idea of how you want an image to look but without knowing how to make your pieces fit together you’ll only end up with an incomplete picture that stomps all over your dreams. 

And if you've tried learning compositing before you'll notice that most classes give you the resources and steps to copy SOMEONE ELSE'S images which leaves you wondering how on earth to conceive and photograph original ideas of your own. 🤔 This is the equivalent of attending a paint and sip art class where you'll make an artwork but it won't make you an artist.

And if you ever hope to sell prints, win art competitions, or be accepted into exhibitions you can't do it with someone else’s artworks. ❌

Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography

But imagine being personally guided by a successful artist...

through every step of coming up with ideas, photographing your elements and the editing process to put it all together so you'll have the knowledge and confidence to create YOUR OWN impressive portfolio of unique artworks that you can easily exhibit and sell. 💰 

Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography
Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography
Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography

Hi, I'm Hayley 👋

I’ve always searched for magic on the fringes of reality - a fairy in my backyard, a world in a wardrobe, a genie in a lamp.

And I finally found it with Photoshop along with the creativity I desperately craved but never believed I had.

Three months into learning compositing I created an artwork that won several local awards, in month 4 I was a finalist in esteemed national awards, in month 5 I created my best selling print, and within a year I had my own solo exhibition!

Learning compositing opened a portal into more fantastical worlds, transforming me from having no direction or purpose into a passionate and celebrated artist. I still pinch myself everyday.

Since then I consistently make 5 figures a year selling my fine art composite photos that were created using myself as a model, inexpensive gear, cheap accessories and my own library of photos. Now I’m finally sharing my secrets so you too can create this beloved and popular style of photographic art and experience the magic it invokes. ✨



A series of workshops where you'll...

Create your own whimsical and imaginative storytelling photo art ✨

Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography

Inside Storytelling Composites you'll learn my proven step-by-step formula to piece together your very own storytelling artworks from idea to photograph to final edit, even if you’re new to Photoshop, and a repeatable process to keep creating your own incredible artworks independently.

You'll be guided every step of the way to:

✨ Translate your personal experiences into captivating stories

✨ Plan, style and photograph your concepts cheaply and easily to minimise time spent in Photoshop

✨ Confidently blend your components into convincing artworks you’re thrilled to share and excited to sell

Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography

Storytelling Composites is a 6 week course delivered over weekly workshops:

WEEK ONE - Available 15 September, 2024

✏️ You'll unlock your own unique artwork ideas through a series of creative self-reflection exercises.

  • What to do when you have no ideas
  • How to find stories in everyday objects and locations
  • Techniques to turn on the tap of inspiration
  • How to learn visual language without an expensive arts degree
  • How to discover who you are as an artist and turn your unique traits and interests into powerful stories
WEEK TWO - Available 22 September, 2024

📘 You’ll distil your ideas into workable concepts and translate them into intoxicating visual stories.

  • How to deal with now having too many ideas and what to create first
  • How to start making storytelling images when you're still new to Photoshop
  • How to flesh out your ideas with a storyboarding process and figure out what photos you'll need to create your artwork
  • Where to find affordable costumes and props to convey your story
  • Places to find or generate stock
  • How to photograph your own stock and what kind of subjects to start collecting
WEEK THREE - Available 29 September, 2024

📷 You'll discover how to easily and affordably source or photograph your required story elements and take a behind the scenes tour of how a composite is assembled.

  • How to shoot on a budget
  • What gear you actually need (it's not much!)
  • What the shooting process looks like
  • How to take self-portraits (if you don't have willing family members)
  • How to shoot your elements so they'll easily fit together and save you time in Photoshop
  • My Lightroom culling process to find the best images quickly
  • How to start assembling your composite
  • Walk through an advanced composite to see how it was created
WEEK FOUR - Available 6 October, 2024

💻 We'll edit a composite together step by step so you can understand what Photoshop tools and tricks make it look convincing.

  • Open and proportionately resize your elements
  • Discover how layers and masks work
  • My recommended selection tools
  • The exact adjustment layers to use to match light and colour
  • Add motivated light and shadow
  • Tricks to make your scene look realistic and fit together convincingly
  • How to output and save your file correctly for sharing and printing
WEEK SIX - 20 October, 2024

🎉 You'll have two weeks break to complete your own artwork followed by our LIVE get-together event to celebrate our creations!


Classes are pre-recorded with the first workshop available 15 September and successive classes unlocking weekly after that. Classes run for approximately 1 hour and come with workbooks and fun homework assignments so that you'll have completed your own personal artwork by the end. 

You’ll be invited into a private community where you can connect with your fellow aspiring artists and ask any questions you have during the classes. 

Once your artwork is completed submit it into your portal to receive helpful tips and suggestions during our LIVE celebration event on October 20.






One time payment to receive:
4 weekly classes plus LIVE celebration event
Exercise workbooks
Private artist community
Your own completed artwork and a process to create many more
Personal feedback on your final artwork
And a magical new hobby or career!


Doors closing in...









Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography
Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography
Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography
Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography


Do I need any special skills?

Ideally you'll be able to use your camera in manual mode but other than that, no! You can even use your phone to capture your photos except you won't get the resolution needed to print and sell your work (but if that's not your goal then you're set!). Just take a look at my Instagram feed. On the bottom left are my photos before learning compositing and on the right is the art I created shortly after. It's a vast improvement! My friends couldn't believe it!

Will I need Photoshop?

Yes, but if you don't already have it you can download a free trial version here to use during week 4. If you don't know how to use it yet, never fear! I will introduce you to all the tool and steps you'll need to make composite art. But once you learn this skill and are using Photoshop regularly you'll be amazed how affordable it is!

Student Love ❤️

Janelle W

I have just completed Hayley's 'Storytelling Composites' course and I couldn't speak highly enough of both the course and Hayley's tuition. The pace was perfect, we weren't rushed and everything was explained in a way that was easily understood. I learnt so much and gained confidence in the Photoshop area, where I've been too scared to venture. I feel like I am now equipped with enough knowledge and tools to start creating the ideas that are in my mind.

Gaby S

Hayley gives you an opportunity to explore your creative ideas and bring them together in an image. She is very patient and gives you the guidance on how to be creative and the useful tools that help you create. It has helped me explore a different side of photography and I am excited for the creative journey ahead.

Kim S

I admit I was skeptical at first but after doing the course everything Hayley covered fit into place. I wanted to learn how to structure my thoughts and find inspiration and I got all of that and more. This course was just what I needed and really has given me the thought processes and methodology to make amazing composite images. 

Previous student artworks

Kimberley Stewart
(has created DOZENS more images since)

Hoan Hoang Thi

Gaby Shaw

There’s no better feeling than when your personal creations connect deeply with others...

Imagine watching people in a gallery devour your art before eagerly lining up to meet you, or waking up to an inbox full of exciting invitations and new sales, or having others love your art so much they want to hang it on their wall for the beauty and joy it brings into their daily lives. ❤️

Becoming a storytelling composite artist makes all this possible.

But the best part? It brings PLAY back into your life. We all have an inner child who longs to dress up in costumes, act out characters, and believe our dreams could actually come true. Well, with compositing they CAN! 🤯

Storytelling Composites gives you the skills to express your inner world through meaningful art and a fun and rewarding creative hobby that's wonderful for your wellbeing and easy to commercialise.

It honestly changed my life! Me? An artist? I still can't believe it!

To unlock the artistic side of photography and master the elusive craft of Photoshop compositing come step across the threshold into this intoxicating world where fantasies become reality...

Where your dreams of becoming a successful storyteller or artist, a creative and in-demand portrait photographer or your child’s dream-maker able to bring their imagination to life, COME TRUE. 

✨ Ready? 

Learn Photoshop compositing & conceptual fine art photography